Prof. Dr. Anton J.M. Loonen
A selection of lectures by Anton Loonen is posted on this page. The lectures are basically not updated.
Presentations during 2013-2017 CINP Courses in Tomsk, Kemorovo and Novosibirsk
In the years 2013 to 2017, a course was held in May each time under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. Brian E. Leonard in a few cities in Siberia. These courses were in the framework of the educational program of the Collegium Internationale NeuroPsychopharmacologicum (CINP). The audience consisted of MSc and PhD students in neuroscience, psychiatric residents, research psychiatrists and other interested parties. I had the honor of giving one of the presentations there each year. These lectures have been further elaborated with an explanation of the content of each slide on the accompanying notes page. I have slightly edited the 2016 and 2017 lectures in 2022, but have not changed the content. These handout are now also included on the Foundation website. They can also be found elsewhere, but are here together in one ZIP file.
The following presentations are included in the ZIP file:
2013 Five theories of the mechanism of depression
2014 Mechanism of antipsychotic action – Specific role of 5-HT2 and NMDA receptors
2015 Addiction as a reward system disease
2016 Bipolar disorder – It is all about the switch
2017 Stress disorders- The neuroanatomy of anxiety
Presentation The Evolution of the Human Brain on YouTube
In April 2023, a presentation with the above name was posted as a video on YouTube. Evolution is approached from the development of anatomical structures in the forebrain of vertebrates that led to the creation of the primary, secondary and tertiary forebrain of modern humans. Associated with these structures are the mental functions, which are dysfunctional in a variety of psychic disorders. This class is intended for students (MSc, PhD) in neuroscience, medicine, pharmacy and psychology, trainees in psychiatry and neuropsychology, as well as psychiatrists.
A link to the YouTube video is found below. A link to the handouts of this presentation is also included so everyone can read the text after finishing watching the video. Figures are included in a PP presentation under the corresponding heading on this site.
Click here to watch the YouTube video
Click here to download the handouts